Way back when, they were supposed to do a chest x-ray on Matt and you to see if you had the same rib anomoly Abby has. Did they do this? Quick answer: no. They never followed up and I never pushed it because I think we'd know if either one of us had pieces of rib connected with fibrous tissue. With all of the genetic testing you've done, has anything given you answers as to why this happened? Nope. We just got the results of the last set (I think that was the 5th set of tests) and everything was normal . I guess that is good, but I'd really like to know what caused this. It's kind of disconcerting not knowing how this happened. Not that I'd feel better knowing that it was the kind of make-up I used or the amount of ranch dressing Matt ate, but still! We will be joining a study at Boston Children's to help them research this syndrome. While it won't necessarily help Abby, it will certainly shed some light on this cra...
Choosing joy and trusting God!