Caleb and I are at the hotel tonight (they didn't get into RMH). I've been feeling like I might be coming down with something. I got some NyQuil and I'm going to bed early tonight. Caleb has had a great time in the pool and dinner here was really good.
Abby's surgery tomorrow is at 10:30. Our surgeon isn't sure that he will be able to do the skin graft tomorrow. He said it is 50/50. He has a plan B that will involve us coming back for another surgery in 3 weeks. We are hoping that the graft will be able to be done tomorrow, but we also want optimal conditions so that it will work!
Abby was on the bipap off and on today, but we are hoping that the respiratory rate will improve when she is offof the antibiotic. It has a side effect of messing with the respiratory system, and we think that what is happening.
I'll post about how things go tomorrow. Thanks for praying!