I signed up for two one-credit MSDE technology classes so that I would have the credits I needed for my APC (Advanced Professional Certificate = big pay raise!) Last week, I took Publisher and Digital Scrapbooking, and this week I am learning about Senteo clickers. I was already pretty familiar with Publisher since I use it for my weekly newsletter, but the digital scrapbooking was all new to me. I learned that you can use www.scrapbookflair.com , which is a free program that you download. While you won't get quite as many choices as you would with a program you buy, IT'S FREE!!!!! I made a bunch of pages and am excited about a new hobby that I don't really have time for! :) I had a negative view of Senteo clickers, but I quickly learned that you can do a lot with them without much effort. Basically, you put in questions/answers into the program and the students use the clickers to choose the correct answer to the questions. They can get individual feedback on how t...
Choosing joy and trusting God!