My Sweet Abby Joy, This has been quite a year for you! You finished pre-k, started kindergarten, and grew up so much! I can't believe you are 6. But then again, you're as sassy as a teenager! As we've said, you are 6 going on 16! You've certainly got the eye roll down. I love your personality--every single sassy ounce of it! You say some of the funniest things! But I love your character even more. You are such a helpful girl. You love to help me make dinner, clean the house, and put laundry away! Just the other day, Caleb found you cleaning the bathroom with Lysol Wipes just to make your family happy! When you do get yourself in trouble, you are so remorseful and sad that you made us upset. You have such a sweet heart, which is evident in the way you love babies, animals, and your family! It has been another year of lots of medical stuff. You've had 4 surgeries in the last year. One major surge...