Now that we are nearly ending our first month of school, I figured it was time for an update: Caleb is slowly transitioning to middle school. The first few weeks were a big adjustment, because lockers, combinations, dressing out for PE, navigating hallways, and an open lunch time are all very new and different. After a few before and after school practice sessions for his locker, he is feeling good about it. (Good thing for him that his school is one of my schools, so I could help him out before and after!) He has at least one friend in every class, which isn't always the case in middle school. He is happy about that and really likes several of his teachers. He is enjoying "Nest," as they call it, which is where students can eat lunch anytime during this one block of time and can also go to various clubs and activities around the school. He is able to hang out with his cousin during Nest and has already joined the Aquarium Club and Best Bud...
Choosing joy and trusting God!