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Showing posts with the label catch up

All the New Things

Oh my.  I've been neglecting my blog recently.  Between illnesses (and therefore going to bed very early), attempting to work out on a regular basis, and working on a project for work after the kids go to bed, there hasn't been much time.  I don't blog while the kids are awake, and those precious few hours have been spent doing other things! So what's new?!  *  Caleb turned 8!  We had a fun laser tag party the day after his birthday.  He loved having some of his close friends and cousins with him.  I only questioned my sanity a few times!  :)  No, it really was fun.  Pictures are coming--promise!  Favorite gifts include some new Lego sets, lots and lots of books, several Amazon gift cards for his Kindle, and an awesome microscope and slide set.  He is a happy kid! *  Abby's pancreas and liver issues appear to have subsided. Her blood work is back to normal and the new reflux medicine has finally allowed her to keep her food down and gain the weight back!  Hall